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a. Of or pertaining to gravity. (Archaic/rare, gravitational is more common, still seen though in compounds like magnetogravitic.)

Usage examples of "gravitic".

For every bolt and torpedo engulfed by the gravitic collapses the dovin basals fashioned, another penetrated, searing fissures in the assault craft and sending hunks of reddish-black yorik coral exploding in all directions.

While the volume of protection afforded by the enhanced field had been determined to be sufficient for tricking the compensator into treating Yuuzhan Vong-created gravitic anomalies like any others, the field could be overwhelmed by large dovin basals or a confluence of singularities, such as might easily be fashioned by three or more skips.

But some of the gravitons are radiated in the form of gravitic energythat hissing sound you heard and therefore it takes about an hour before a newly liquefied piece of metal returns to its solid state.

Huge splinters of it blew away, energy mounts and laser clusters were wiped out, and communication and fire control emitters, radar and gravitic arrays shattered.

The emotional and gravitic tensions in the bindlestiff city continued to gather.

Hexapuma was one of the first ships to receive the new Mark 30 Condor-class pinnaces, and the Condors' sensor suites, EW, and fire control had all been improved in tandem with their upgraded compensators, while the previously standard nose-mounted two-centimeter laser had been upgraded to a five-centimeter weapon, with significantly improved gravitic lensing.

The fail-safes had protected the array itself, but the spike had bled back through the data transmission chain and burned out the primary data coupling from Gravitic Two.

Magnetic and gravitic properties, thermal energy, dielectric constant, seismic, color.

The eddies altered the very fabric of space around them, causing gravitic shifts that necessitated constant corrections just to maintain course.

A new development, the grav lance, offered the ability to burn out a sidewall by hitting it with a disrupting burst of focused gravitic energy, but this weapon had a maximum effective range of little more than 100,000 kilometers.

Magnetic and gravitic pressures produce a lot of electrostatic energy, but that's inside the swarm.

The inclined planes of gravitic stress formed above and below a spacecraft by its impeller drive.

The computer was responsible for the fix, establishing it by the gravitic and magnetic qualities of the planet: a complex and indirect process, but thorough.

Perhaps two hours ahead and to starboard, a white gravitic isoline formed hesitantly, a segment at a time.

Lowbacca has been working on a small mechanical device, a repulsor, that could mimic the Trickster's gravitic code.