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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At the graveside, Jules and Marie were joining the priest in prayer.
▪ Edward's parents sent their condolences, attended the ceremony at chapel and graveside, and Mrs Thomas visited the widow.
▪ He was at the graveside looking mournful and interesting.
▪ However, I was not alone at the graveside.
▪ It was not by any of the group at the graveside.
▪ Sarah's seven remaining sons carried Anthony's coffin to the graveside.
▪ Some reporters tried to interview her at the graveside.
▪ There were people from everywhere in the district standing around that wet, muddy graveside that day.

n. The area immediately around a grave

Usage examples of "graveside".

Lewellyn found a photo of Alessandro Volpone standing somberly, eyes closed, head bowed, at the graveside services for Leonard Colo, his business manager and lifelong friend.

When the young lad in Tipperary was buried without his father at graveside, no reporters covered the story.

Several vaqueros were visibly affected at the graveside, and in order to pacify them, I suggested that we unload the wagon of supplies and haul up a load of rock from a near-by outcropping ledge.

LeBay had known that Arnie Cunningham was going to be the only person to shed a tear for him at his small-time graveside ceremonies in one of Western Pennsylvania's lesser-known boneyards, he might have knocked fifty bucks off the price of his shitty car.

He wasn't the brightest thing to come down the pike, but he'd been raised to be honest and forthright, not to lapse into the sinful ways of someone like Begonietta Buchanon, who'd wept at the gravesides of five husbands and three gentleman callers (two of 'em funeral directors) before anyone tactfully inquired into her recipe for strawberry-rhubarb compote.

Many of them were particularly touched by the little ritual the children worked up of keeping all-night vigil at the gravesides of those who died.

But the East German GREPO (the Grenz Polizei) were watching him, and on the orders of Dragosani tried to arrest him at Mobius's graveside .

After the graveside service things began to break up, and they milled around for a time, talking to people they hadn't seen since the last biker funeral, then peeled off in twos and threes, roaring past the two state trooper cars which had apparently been summoned just in case, no doubt by nervous residents of the town, unstrung by the bearded, burly, helmeted visions which made such a powerful and flatulent sound as they moved through the town slowly in columns of four.

He could see the astronauts at the graveside, the row of them, rookies and veterans alike, all with their heads turned up to the jets.

Television cameramen photographed the funeral services in long shots and zoomed in for close ups of the stars and producers and directors who were at the graveside.