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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gratuity \Gra*tu"i*ty\, n.; pl. Gratuities. [F. gratuit['e], or LL. gratuitas.]

  1. Something given freely or without recompense; a free gift; a present.

  2. Something voluntarily given in return for a favor or service, as a recompense or acknowledgment.


n. (plural of gratuity English)

Usage examples of "gratuities".

Beck's extended stay in the spa cost him four rubles all together, plus a scattering of kopeks in gratuities, but he emerged claiming to feel healthier and livelier than he had in years.

Thereafter, no longer having to make any false show of affluence, he dispensed only reasonable gratuities to the hotel staff.

The value of certain other gratuities, dispensed in foreign notes, he had not yet troubled to ascertain.

Spadix was not my uncle's but truly mine, bought with the gratuities I had earned.

Much less the gratuities which had always been lavished on dragonriders.

And, he had added sternly, he expected gratuities for the evening's service to double that profit.