a. (obsolete form of gracious English)
Usage examples of "gratious".
Then a green reed inspired by divine inspiration, with a gratious tune and melody gan say, O Psyches I pray thee not to trouble or pollute my water by the death of thee, and yet beware that thou goe not towards the terrible sheepe of this coast, untill such time as the heat of the sunne be past, for when the sunne is in his force, then seeme they most dreadfull and furious, with their sharpe hornes, their stony foreheads and their gaping throats, wherewith they arme themselves to the destruction of mankinde.
Wherein his weaker wandring steps to guide,An auncient matrone she to her does call,Whose sober lookes her wisedome well descride:Her name was Mercie, well knowne ouer all,To be both gratious, and eke liberall:To whom the carefull charge of him she gaue,To lead aright, that he should neuer fallIn all his wayes through this wide worldes waue,That Mercy in the end his righteous soule might saue.
She led him vp into a goodly bowre,And comely courted with meet modestie,Ne in her speach, ne in her hauiour,Was lightnesse seene, or looser vanitie,But gratious womanhood, and grauitie,Aboue the reason of her youthly yeares:Her golden lockes she roundly did vptyeIn breaded tramels, that no looser hearesDid out of order stray about her daintie eares.
Much more of price and of more gratious powreIs this, then that same water of Ardenne,The which Rinaldo drunck in happie howre,Described by that famous Tuscane penne:For that had might to change the hearts of menFro loue to hate, a change of euill choise:But this doth hatred make in loue to brenne,And heauy heart with comfort doth reioyce.