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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ That was most graphically illustrated when Sheffield was arguing about an urban development corporation.
▪ Beyond specific impacts, the property boom graphically illustrated the vulnerability of cities to national economic events beyond their control.
▪ This theoretical division into two cultures is graphically illustrated by Nizan in his practical criticism of other writers.
▪ Exhibit 10. 3 graphically illustrates the cost behavior of inventory costs.
▪ All the information shown in Table 2.2 is illustrated graphically in Fig. 2.8.
▪ The model is shown graphically in Figure 6.4 Figure 6.4 Level-crossing simulation model in graphic form.
▪ Demonstrations like this, graphically show how quickly fire can spread, destroying a room in just 4 minutes.
▪ Selected regions are shown graphically in Figures 1 &038; 2 to indicate the ranges of rates charged.
▪ The results are shown graphically in Fig 4.10.
▪ This can be shown graphically as follows.
▪ He does this with the aid of a collection of 160 photographs which graphically show the results that may be obtained.
▪ The distribution of citation period is also shown graphically as Figure 17.
▪ Temperature changes are shown here graphically.
▪ The videotape graphically depicted the accident.
▪ Figure 3.7 shows graphically the Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions of molecular speeds at two different temperatures.
▪ Figure 6-3 illustrates the model graphically.
▪ I tried placing the results in circles, graphically building processing elements.
▪ It is graphically depicted in Fig. 7.14.
▪ It then extracts the required object or attribute and presents its graphically.
▪ Selected regions are shown graphically in Figures 1 & 2 to indicate the ranges of rates charged.
▪ This assumption is much more fully and graphically documented from Volunteers' correspondence.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Graphically \Graph"ic*al*ly\, adv. In a graphic manner; vividly.


adv. In a graphic manner

  1. adv. in a diagrammatic manner; "the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin" [syn: diagrammatically]

  2. with respect to graphic aspects; "graphically interesting designs"

  3. in a graphic way; "he described the event graphically"

Usage examples of "graphically".

America reached full employment while simultaneously nullifying inflation, making obsolete the renowned Phillips Curve of the Keynesian school of economics, which graphically demonstrated that there was a necessary trade-off between unemployment and inflation, i.

The killers felt compelled to graphically point out certain things to us.

Rescreening this little mishap in my head, I suppose I must have winced pretty graphically and then given a sluggish, tramplike twitch.

And there had been a scene, short but exceeding "strenuous," over a pencil sketch which graphically portrayed an incident Dunk fain would forget--the incident of himself as a wouldbe broncho fighter, with Banjo, of vigilante fame, as the means of his downfall--physical, mental and spiritual.

And (not to enlarge upon the cruciated character of Trismegistus, or handed crosses, so often occurring in the Needles of Pharoah, and Obelisks of Antiquity) the StatuæIsiacæ, Teraphims, and little Idols, found about the Mummies, do make a decussation of Jacob's Crosse, with their armes, like that on the head of Ephraim and Manasses, and this decussis is also graphically described between them.

She had turned away, her face, her whole body in fact, showing aversion very graphically, and (changing utterly in an instant) picked up with easy grace the child, who was in the process of sword-swallowing a ball-point pen.

Not simply lips brushing, or doing all the things graphically described in romantic novels or those historical things known in the trade as 'bodice rippers'.

Not surprisingly, the Guide's graphically enticing description of the general state of affairs on this planet has proved to be astonishingly popular amongst hitch-hikers who allow themselves to be Guided by it, and so it has simply never been taken out, and it is therefore left to latter-day travellers to find out for themselves that today's modern Brequinda in the City State of Avalars is now little more than concrete, strip joints and Dragon Burger Bars.

Not surprisingly, the Guide's graphically enticing description of the general state of affairs on this planet has proved to be astonishingly popular amongst hitch-hikers who allow themselves to be guided by it, and so it has simply never been taken out, and it is therefore left to latter-day travellers to find out for themselves that today's modern Brequinda in the City State of Avalars is now little more than concrete, strip joints and Dragon Burger Bars.

What I mean cannot be more graphically depicted than in the cave painting which was discovered in the Kimberley Ranges, Australia (Fig.

For an instant, the shadow wall used at the beginning of the second act was illuminated again to graphically (or I should say, pornographically) present Ellen's desire, conveying to the audience that John had, for that moment, shared the telepathic abilities of Kreton, whom all' of them had now entirely forgotten.

It showed, graphically, Struan's stockholdings in Kowloon Investments and detailed how, through nominee companies, the tai-pan of Struan's exercised complete control over the huge insurance-property-wharfing company that was supposedly a completely separate company and quoted as such on the stock exchange.