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Grape hyacinth

Grape \Grape\, n. [OF. grape, crape, bunch or cluster of grapes, F. grappe, akin to F. grappin grapnel, hook; fr. OHG. chrapfo hook, G. krapfen, akin to E. cramp. The sense seems to have come from the idea of clutching. Cf. Agraffe, Cramp, Grapnel, Grapple.]

  1. (Bot.) A well-known edible berry growing in pendent clusters or bunches on the grapevine. The berries are smooth-skinned, have a juicy pulp, and are cultivated in great quantities for table use and for making wine and raisins.

  2. (Bot.) The plant which bears this fruit; the grapevine.

  3. (Man.) A mangy tumor on the leg of a horse.

  4. (Mil.) Grapeshot.

    Grape borer. (Zo["o]l.) See Vine borer.

    Grape curculio (Zo["o]l.), a minute black weevil ( Craponius in[ae]qualis) which in the larval state eats the interior of grapes.

    Grape flower, or

    Grape hyacinth (Bot.), a liliaceous plant ( Muscari racemosum) with small blue globular flowers in a dense raceme.

    Grape fungus (Bot.), a fungus ( Oidium Tuckeri) on grapevines; vine mildew.

    Grape hopper (Zo["o]l.), a small yellow and red hemipterous insect, often very injurious to the leaves of the grapevine.

    Grape moth (Zo["o]l.), a small moth ( Eudemis botrana), which in the larval state eats the interior of grapes, and often binds them together with silk.

    Grape of a cannon, the cascabel or knob at the breech.

    Grape sugar. See Glucose.

    Grape worm (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the grape moth.

    Sour grapes, things which persons affect to despise because they can not possess them; -- in allusion to [AE]sop's fable of the fox and the grapes.

grape hyacinth

n. Any of the species of three genera in the ''(taxlink Hyacinthinae subtribe)'' subtribe (family Asparagaceae) that produce racemes of small blue flowers, ''Muscari'', (taxlink Pseudomuscari genus noshow=1), and (taxlink Leopoldia genus noshow=1).

grape hyacinth

n. any of various early flowering spring hyacinths native to Eurasia having dense spikes of rounded blue flowers resembling bunches of small grapes

Usage examples of "grape hyacinth".

The Grape Hyacinth, very much cultivated in England as a garden plant and occasionally met with in sandy soils in the eastern and southern counties, has, like the Wild Hyacinth, a poisonous bulb.

Along the wayside, buttercups and daisies, late harebells, and amethyst clusters of grape hyacinth were still springing in the grass.