n. A specialized area in the field of Configuration Management that focuses on the visibility and control of an IT Environment’s configuration and bill-of-material at the most granular level. IT managers can leverage this strategy to reach the next level of automation and efficiency for their Physical, Virtual or Cloud-based IT environments, and finally close the gap that is responsible for major stability incidents. The application of granular configuration automation empowers IT managers to operate based on complete knowledge of the IT environments that they manage. This knowledge is collected from the granular level of IT environment data, and is collected from any source.
Granular configuration automation (GCA) is a specialized area in the field of configuration management which focuses on visibility and control of an IT environment’s configuration and bill-of-material at the most granular level. This framework focuses on improving the stability of IT environments by analyzing granular information. It responds to the requirement to determine a threat level of an environment risk, and to allow IT organizations to focus on those risks with the highest impact on performance. Granular Configuration Automation combines two major trends in configuration management: the move to collect detailed and comprehensive environment information and the growing utilization of automation tools.