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n. (plural of grandstand English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: grandstand)

Usage examples of "grandstands".

The whole tribe were sitting round a truly imposing Edwardian dining table of old French-polished mahogany, their chairs newer, nineteen-thirtyish, like the grandstands themselves.

I'd studied ancient plans a great deal less trustworthy than these, and these grandstands weren't ruins after all: they'd withstood gales and rot for well over half a century.

As for you…' he turned his glare fully my way, 'your bloody children had no right to be anyway near the grandstands, and if you're thinking of suing us because you were stupid enough to get yourself blown up you've another think coming.

However,' he hurried on, sensing interruptions,'that condition could be to our advantage, as the grandstands will be out of operation for much longer than that.

He knew those old grandstands and, as an architect, he saw how maximum damage could be achieved for minimum effort.

And not surprisingly, the Torond's boosters in the home grandstands accompanied his departure with the same euphoric Pandemonium they'd bestowed on their own entries less than a metacyck previously.

While they worked, he studied the distant grandstands, thinking of the delicate woman there who was just as surely seeking a glimpse of him at the same time.

Then, banking around the grandstands in a slow curve, he brought the little Sherrington racer down flawlessly.

Ahead of them lay the flowering steppe where the Grand Tourney would be held, with its grandstands and fair buildings and other structures now almost completely refurbished by the industrious goblin emigres.

Its base was an artificial hill as wide as the paired grandstands and fifteen metres high, it was roughly conical in shape, with large cavelike apertures on the right and left flanks and a summit crater.

Gradually the eastern sky acquired a tentative grey sheen, silhouetting the broken masses of the twin grandstands and the blackened snags of trees down by the shore.

The pack swept past the grandstands for the first time, around the clubhouse turn.

The crowd that massed in the grandstands was on its feet, setting up a steady drone punctuated by shouts and cheers.

In an eyeblink Britt's through and picking up downhill speed, rocketing toward the straight with its colorful crowded grandstands on the left and the jam-packed pits on the right.

Beside the grandstands is a roped area where the musical band of each school can play as their dance corps' turn to perform comes up.