The Collaborative International Dictionary
Usage examples of "graeca".
Nec minimum meruere decus, veetigia Graeca Ausi deserere, et celebrare domestica facta.
Giggling like a lass, Graeca hurried him inside and barred the door fast.
In Vantassel, Winthrop contrived to possess himself of a Greek lexicon and a Graeca Majora, and also a Greek grammar, though the only one he could get that suited his purse was the Westminster grammar, in which the alternatives of Greek were all Latin.
Boissonade has published, in the fifth volume of his Anecdota Graeca (p.
This very curious piece is inserted in Fabricius Bibliotheca Graeca tom.
Humphrey Hody, (de Graecis Illustribus, Linguae Graecae Literarumque humaniorum Instauratoribus.