Crossword clues for governs
vb. (en-third-person singular of: govern)
Usage examples of "governs".
It governs where we seek our salvation, and which "world" we will ignore or destroy in order to get it.
And think too of him who forgets whither the way leads, and that men quarrel with that with which they are most constantly in communion, the reason which governs the universe.
Let the part of thy soul which leads and governs be undisturbed by the movements in the flesh, whether of pleasure or of pain.
The reason which governs knows what its own disposition is, and what it does, and on what material it works.
Nature which governs the whole will soon change all things which thou seest, and out of their substance will make other things, and again other things from the substance of them, in order that the world may be ever new.
Therefore lie governs all things in such a manner as to allow them to perform and exercise their own proper movements.
Whatever truth certain philosophers, amid their false opinions, were able to see, and strove by laborious discussions to persuade men of,-such as that God had made this world, and Himself most providently governs it, or of the nobility of the virtues, of the love of country, of fidelity in friendship, of good works and everything pertaining to virtuous manners, although they knew not to what end and what rule all these things were to be referred,-all these, by words prophetic, that is, divine, although spoken by men, were commended to the people in that city, and not inculcated by contention in arguments, so that he who should know them might be afraid of contemning, not the wit of men, but the oracle of God.
It is the constant and regular order of events, by which God governs the universe.