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gouge out

v. make gouges into a surface; "The woman's spiked heels gouged out the wooden floor"

Usage examples of "gouge out".

I presume it'll boil down to my jumping on him after a pretty short discussion and threatening to gouge out his eyeballs with my hands unless he's prepared to come clean with everything he knows about Mocata.

Indeed, he had rather liked the previous boy, so much so that the high priest had actually required the aid of a burly Faithguard before Kelryn had been able to muster the resolve to gouge out the lad's second eye.

Even the dragon should know that those claws could gouge out nickel-sized disks of flesh.

Robert ducked to the side, and the bullet tore a long gouge out of the fiberglass hull.

Any one of a number of protruding branches could easily gouge out an eye.

Charity would probably gouge out my eyes for showing up at this hour.

Covenant's ring was too puissant: its forces could more readily gouge out mountainsides than cleanse infections or seal internal wounds.

As he turned toward the door, Cyric silently vowed to gouge out her blue-white eyes when next they met.