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gotten up

vb. (context US English) (past participle of get up English)

Usage examples of "gotten up".

Quinn and his idiot friend had gotten up a raggle-taggle softball game.

Bahzell had the second watch, and when Tothas turned in at last, it was to find the hradani had gotten up early and tucked a heated stone into his blankets to take the chill off them.

She had gotten up, put on a pot of coffee, and spent the next several hours overloading on caffeine while she made her plans.

He had gotten up once and brought back a tray of bread and cheese and fruit, and that had been their supper.

After you'd slept, and then gotten up and around, you should have been fine.

It seemed as if you had just suddenly appeared there on the bed, bleeding, and then gotten up and made your way out.

First time in his life, JR thought, he might have gotten up even with the captains he shadowed.

She'd been fighting a cold for the last couple of days and had gotten up early this morning with a fever.