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n. (plural of gossamer English)

Usage examples of "gossamers".

Even in the still shadowed places, glowbirds nestled like Japanese lanterns above lighted walkways, glowing swingvines, and illuminated hanging bridges, while fireflies from Old Earth and radiant gossamers from Maul-Covenant blinked and coded their way through labyrinths of leaves, mixing with constellations sufficiently to fool even the most starwise traveler.

Aboard the Girandole, Old Kady lights the lanterns and candle-globes hanging from the sagging second tier and, as if not to be outdone, the darkened jungle begins to glow with the faint phosphorescence of decay while glowbirds and multihued gossamers can be seen floating from branch to branch in the darker upper regions.

Nothing stirred except the tiny arboreais and gossamers we had seen flitting through the trees yesterday.

As true darkness fell, innumerable prairie gossamers - much paler than their forest cousins, but also of greater wingspan, luminescent shades the size of small children - danced in the vales and valleys of the gently rolling hills.

Ninety light-years away, in a star system only three light-years from Pacem, the original Raphael translated into real space with a violence that would have spit marrow from human bones, sliced through human cells like a hot blade through radiant gossamers, and scrambled human neurons like loose marbles on a steep hillside.

On the hundreds of worlds explored and colonized during and after the Hegira, most of the indigenous life discovered had been plants and a few very simple organisms, such as the radiant gossamers on Hyperion.

The shimmer and flit of radiant gossamers not yet illuminating their fragile half-meter butterfly wings.

Radiant gossamers were visible flitting through dark tunnels of branches and above the trees.

Where the forest had floated in space five minutes before green leaves catching the sunlight, roots drinking the spheres of comet-water, Ouster angels floating like radiant gossamers among the branches-now there is only a torus of smoke and expanding debris filling the plane of the ecliptic along this arc of space.

Within the jungle itself, pale globes of red and yellow phosphorescence jiggled and danced-not gracefully like the radiant gossamers in Hyperion's forests, but nervously, almost malevolently.

Tinker had seen many gossamers at a distance, but never one close enough to appreciate their true size.