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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Goosewing \Goose"wing`\, n. (Naut.) One of the clews or lower corners of a course or a topsail when the middle part or the rest of the sail is furled.


n. (context nautical English) One of the clews or lower corners of a course or a topsail when the middle part or the rest of the sail is furled.

Usage examples of "goosewing".

And so Hotspur came in under goosewinged foretopsail and storm mizzen staysail, round Berry Head, under the eyes of the Channel Fleet, to claw her way in towards Brixham pier and to roundto with her weary men furling the foretopsail and to drop her anchors while with a last effort they sent down the topmasts and Prowse and Hornblower took careful bearings to make sure she was not dragging.