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goose is cooked

phr. (context idiomatic English) All hope is gone; there is no possibility of success; the period of good fortune is over.

Usage examples of "goose is cooked".

As Mandelbrot pointed out, if he can follow us, the Goose is cooked.

Their goose is cooked, Loch, and they know it, and because they can't abide it, they squeal like children in a tantrum.

With the Hutt's trade strangehold now broken, and the Alliance dealing with the Jokhalli, it seems Quaffug's goose is cooked -- until Lando gets an idea and bets his life and ship in a one-on-one battle with a Jokhalli named Utrop to save Quaffug's life.

Offhand, I should say that if you continue to paint in this manner, and let it be known, your goose is cooked.

He has to prove he's the toughest guy in any situation, or his goose is cooked-somebody else'll take over.