Goor [ɣʊːr] is a town about 25 km west of Enschede in the Dutch province of Overijssel. It received town rights in 1263. The population is about 13,000.
Goor was a separate municipality until 2001, when it became a part of Hof van Twente.
The Goor is a woodland, seven hectares in area, on the German Baltic Sea island of Rügen near Lauterbach, a village in the borough of Putbus, which runs for about 1.5 km directly along the shore of the Bay of Greifswald. The woods of the Goor consist predominantly of beech and English oak. They are designated as a nature reserve and are popular with walkers.
Usage examples of "goor".
This knot is called the goor khat, or holy knot, and no man who has not been properly ordained is allowed to tie it.
The gooroo adds some of his own money, with which he purchases what they call goor, or consecrated sugar, when a solemn sacrifice is performed, to which all the gang are invited.
If, during this interval, no unfavourable signs are observed, the expedition advances slowly, until it arrives at the bank of the nearest stream, when they all sit down and eat of the goor, or consecrated sugar.
The goor, or consecrated sugar, is placed upon a large cloth or blanket, which is spread upon the grass.
A pit is then dug, into which the Jemadar pours a small quantity of the goor, praying at the same time that the goddess will always reward her followers with abundant spoils.
He then sprinkles water upon the pickaxe, and puts a little of the goor upon the head of every one who has obtained a seat beside him on the cloth.
A short pause ensues, when the signal for strangling is given, as if a murder were actually about to be committed, and each Thug eats his goor in solemn silence.
Let any man once taste of that goor, and he will be a Thug, though he know all the trades and have all the wealth in the world.
My father made me taste of that fatal goor, when I was yet a mere boy.