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Usage examples of "gooly".

First thing I need to know is why you wanted to electrify his goolies anyway.

Here they can squeeze your goolies off so delicately you stay alive and keep on making helpful statements for absolutely weeks.

The pains were an hour apart to begin with, then every fifteen minutes or so and every ten and so forth until at last it was just one long unbearable century or so of anguish while the thing that seemed to fill me from gullet to goolies, a thing with sharp hooves and needles like a porcupine, was being pried out by some invisible force using a battering ram and a fireplace poker.

The giant Julio-Claudian goolies were even more dramatic when under-lit by the pharos at night.

First thing I need to know is why you wanted to electrify his goolies anyway.

Funny about that, too, because Crystal Singers are supposed to heal faster than other humans, and they're not supposed to be as susceptible to the planetary goolies and fevers that catch you no matter what immunization you've got.