a freight/goods train
▪ a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals
brown goods
capital goods
consumer goods
consumer goods/products (=things that people buy for their own use)
▪ Our demand for consumer goods increases all the time.
counterfeit goods/software etc
deliver the goods (=do what they have promised)
▪ the failure of some services to deliver the goods
dry goods
▪ a dry goods store
durable goods
electrical equipment/goods/appliances etc
goods and chattels
handling stolen goods
▪ Bennet was charged with handling stolen goods.
heavy goods vehicle
household goods/products/items etc
▪ washing powder and other household products
▪ household chores
inferior goods/products
▪ The public are being deceived into buying inferior goods.
luxury items/goods (=expensive things)
▪ At Christmas we try to afford a few luxury items.
material goods/possessions/wealth etc
▪ The spiritual life is more important than material possessions.
▪ a society that places high importance on material rewards
shoddy goods/service/workmanship etc
▪ We’re not paying good money for shoddy goods.
sporting goodsAmerican English
▪ a sporting goods store
white goods
▪ Instalment Credits are sometimes used where capital goods are involved.
▪ Can the market system provide the capital goods upon which technological advance relies?
▪ This could follow if the capital goods producing industries faced capacity constraints in their attempt to raise output in the short run.
▪ In other words the market system acknowledges dollar voting for both consumer and capital goods.
▪ So will the investment in capital goods and engineering skills needed to modernise outmoded factories.
▪ But who, specifically, will register votes for capital goods?
▪ Fast productivity growth in the sectors producing means of production ensured a rapid reduction in the real cost of capital goods.
▪ Imports of capital goods rose 50. 7 percent and consumer goods almost doubled in 1995, it said.
▪ Use the glazed cupboards to display attractive china and to provide storage space for attractively packaged dry goods.
▪ Bazaar, which keeps track of spending trends in haute couture and dry goods, notes that luxury is back.
▪ Her father owns the big dry goods store.
▪ Charleston and Fairbank arose to provide food and dry goods to the miners and millworkers.
▪ Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
▪ In two to three weeks, Ehrlich said, the Commerce Department plans publish statistics on durable goods orders and construction spending.
▪ Carpets, building products, furniture and other durable goods all began to see downshifting during the fourth quarter.
▪ Deathtraps: Coroner's warning over second hand electrical goods.
▪ Another person I knew started a retail business, selling electrical goods, in a small rented shop.
▪ The effective rate of protection for steel, vehicles and electrical goods, however, went much higher, up to 300 percent.
▪ You can shop for bargains in clothes, cameras and electrical goods in modern malls.
▪ Retail turnover was up 28 percent, and in some branches, such as vehicles and electrical goods, by more than half.
▪ Fireplaces, interior doors and electrical goods have been taken from the new houses at Woodbrook, off the lower Galliagh Road.
▪ Trading Standards officers say the case tragically illustrates the dangers of buying second hand electrical goods.
▪ A document on the free movement of goods between republics was also signed.
▪ Basically this programme involves the removal of all legal barriers to the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour.
▪ This is hardly a characteristic of freer trade in goods.
▪ There would be free movement of goods, labour and capital.
▪ The Treaty of Rome meanwhile guarantees free circulation of goods.
▪ In such a free market, goods and services would be efficiently allocated.
▪ Duty free goods will be available for purchase though the choice may be limited on certain flights.
▪ The rigs were all dry of course, but they carried huge stocks of other duty free goods, mainly tobacco and cigarettes.
▪ Police motorcycles flagged down every suspect heavy goods vehicle.
▪ Those suppliers of heavy materials and goods will easily survive, because they have a monopoly position.
▪ I recently visited a factory that produces heavy engineering goods.
▪ Added to this is the vibration caused by heavy goods vehicles and the annoyance of air traffic suffered by all city dwellers.
▪ The main Manchester-London line runs alongside one side of the garden, and a heavy goods line along the other.
▪ The dock company's estimate of heavy goods vehicle traffic has proved remarkably accurate.
▪ The number of heavy goods vehicles using the roads did not change much over the past 10 years.
▪ Some details of the mechanisms of dispersal of such imported goods can be obtained by a more detailed examination of their distributions.
▪ Price inflation plagued the distribution of imported goods and was aggravated by bottlenecks in ports like Khorramshahr and beyond.
▪ So prices are inflated and will remain so until there is a steady flow of imported goods.
▪ The removal of these barriers would lead to a direct lowering of costs by reducing the price of imported goods and services.
▪ In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the marketable sector.
▪ The increasing use of Sharpness docks for imported goods is undoubtably good news for workers there; helping to secure their jobs.
▪ Yet farmers' voices tend to be drowned out by articulate city-dwellers deprived of subsidies and no longer able to afford imported goods.
▪ An injunction here would, in effect, apply almost entirely to imported goods.
▪ Buying behaviour in industrial goods markets also tends to be conservative.
▪ In an expanding economy, growth tends to concentrate on industrial goods and services.
▪ But in industrial goods markets the role of the buying function may vary from significant to relatively insignificant.
▪ It was expected that, as a first step, tariffs on industrial goods would be reduced by one-third to 30 percent.
▪ No national market for consumer or industrial goods was created and thus industrialization was hindered.
▪ Its immediate economic aim was to work for the reduction and eventual elimination of tariffs on most industrial goods among its members.
▪ The analysis of buying behaviour in industrial goods markets is continued in Chapter Fifteen.
▪ Snowden, unlike Samuel, was willing to agree in late September to a prohibitive tariff on luxury goods.
▪ IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.
▪ And in this case the workers engaged in the production of luxury goods should now be seen as a social cost.
▪ Most shoppers were splashing out on practical items and steering clear of the luxury goods, he said.
▪ Living outside the money economy, they had no access to the world of manufactured goods, still less to luxury goods.
▪ Therefore it is wrong to collapse arms production into the same category as Marx's luxury goods in Dept.
▪ Product mix improved with the export of more manufactures and the import of fewer luxury consumer goods.
▪ In this respect we have to examine the question of luxury goods and their production.
▪ Replacement markets for many manufactured goods mean that consumers can postpone purchases more easily.
▪ It involved exchanging ore from his new McCamey's Monster mine for manufactured goods.
▪ Speed and reliability were important to dealers in manufactured goods who wanted to catch rising markets abreast with or ahead of their competitors.
▪ Nevertheless imports of manufactured goods increased even faster.
▪ Most hard currency comes from state grants, from exporting raw materials or manufactured goods.
▪ Briefly, they exported manufactured goods and capital, and they imported raw materials.
▪ In particular we shall study the prices of exports of manufactured goods and the price of manufactured output supplied to the domestic market.
▪ A trade deficit in manufactured goods, unthinkable until recent times, has become normal.
▪ Government jobs and the opportunities which association with the government gives allow them the possibility of accumulating material goods.
▪ Psychologists say that work helps us meet our needs for food, shelter, and material goods.
▪ In the purchase of material goods, issues of quantity, quality, price and delivery are crucial in several respects.
▪ Their food, dress and material goods encompassed all the richness and variety society could provide.
▪ The production of material goods is the primary activity of humans, and it must come before all other activities.
▪ All they live for, the only thing they care about, is material goods.
▪ Soon it was not enough to demonstrate your success in life by the acquisition of material goods.
▪ The relative paucity of material goods owned by Corpsmen is, in terms of transcultural perception, a complicating factor.
▪ So do other goods, such as batteries, which are rarely found in state shops.
▪ Unlike for many other consumer goods and services, little attention has been paid to the marketing aspect of this software.
▪ Food products are more resistant to down turn than many other goods.
▪ For what other goods is Mr Smith likely to go to the local village?
▪ For what other goods is Mrs Smith likely to make a trip to a large city centre?
▪ It differs from the other consumer goods in the private market in four ways.
▪ Tomb inscriptions, the coffin, statues, stelae and other grave goods therefore bore the name.
▪ She has to carry up the children, her shopping and any other goods coming into the household.
▪ Government need tax revenue to pay for public goods and to make transfer payments to the poor.
▪ How might the output of public goods be increased if the economy is initially functioning at a point inside of the curve?
▪ In this respect, local public goods represent an intermediate case where exit is indeed possible via migration.
▪ A few public goods are financed essentially on the basis of the benefits principle.
▪ Market failures relevant to sport include health, crime, public goods and equity considerations.
▪ This option leads us into a discussion of public goods and services.
▪ Private sector led regeneration has profoundly increased the inequality of access to both private and public goods in the area.
▪ These public goods can only be produced and consumed economically on a collective basis.
▪ Police searching the plaintiff's premises for stolen goods seized goods which they mistakenly thought to be stolen.
▪ Then there was the possibility of the silver on sale at the Saturday morning market being stolen goods.
▪ Randhawa admitted obtaining by deception, burglary, handling stolen goods and making a threat to kill Miss Nazir.
▪ It means that when we find stolen goods, we can automatically reunite them with their owners.
▪ It seemed that he acted as a receiver of stolen goods ....
▪ Jacqueline MacPherson faced a charge of handling stolen goods.
▪ Rootham, of Tower Green, Middlesbrough, also admitted theft and handling stolen goods.
▪ Nevertheless, the resolution might still have won a majority had it not been for the stolen goods in the outhouse.
▪ My worldly goods, my total possessions.
▪ He loses all his worldly goods because a law suit is not decided in his favor.
▪ But he bought no worldly goods.
▪ Why, of course you must leave all your worldly goods to him.
▪ We generally promise each other all our worldly goods.
▪ Subject matter of contract: consumer goods.
▪ Seventy years of empty store shelves have created great pent-up demand for consumer goods, including electronics.
▪ Small quantities of chemical products and consumer goods are exported to neighbouring Arab countries.
▪ Some local strIkes wrenched considerable concessions for the workers in housing and better distribution of consumer goods.
▪ Because the internal market for consumer goods was too small; 2.
▪ Agricultural and industrial co-operatives are being set up to produce consumer goods for the community and sell the surplus.
▪ Unlike for many other consumer goods and services, little attention has been paid to the marketing aspect of this software.
▪ Western cars, holidays, consumer goods and lifestyles are theoretically within their reach, although in practice quite beyond it.
▪ Second - the day-to-day expenditure such as food, drink, household goods, newspapers, petrol or bus fares.
▪ Best reductions in household goods, bedding, dinner services.
▪ Motoring costs and non-seasonal food rose by 0.9 percent, while household goods gained 0.7 percent.
▪ Well over half the freemen were occupied in providing clothes, food and drink, household goods and buildings.
▪ Families on supplementary benefit, now income support, are likely to borrow to buy items of clothing or durable household goods.
▪ For example, more people now have key household goods and the benefit of home ownership - as the charts show.
▪ Another area which may cause problems is that of insurance of household goods.
▪ The most significant is the small goods vehicle.
▪ Police motorcycles flagged down every suspect heavy goods vehicle.
▪ It carries a plain unlined grey livery because it is a goods vehicle.
▪ Added to this is the vibration caused by heavy goods vehicles and the annoyance of air traffic suffered by all city dwellers.
▪ In addition there were nearly as many buses and goods vehicles and an even larger number of motor cycles.
▪ The restricted licence covers domestic and international goods vehicle operation for own account haulage.
▪ The dock company's estimate of heavy goods vehicle traffic has proved remarkably accurate.
▪ You pay it only if you buy the goods.
▪ A cooperative had also been established where blacks could buy goods more cheaply.
▪ I use it to bank, to invest, to communicate, to learn, and to buy goods and services.
▪ People will rush to buy goods and assets before their prices rise further.
▪ You may prefer to donate money, which will only be used to buy goods for use in the orphanages.
▪ Rather governments have favoured a policy of buying home-produced goods.
▪ Producers depend on us to buy their goods.
▪ Mr. S. returned just in time to see the respondent carrying the goods towards the door.
▪ The Sogdians were the great entrepreneurs of the Silk Road and it was their caravans that carried goods between east and west.
▪ Some are general cargo boats, often carrying goods in containers.
▪ They could carry goods for local co-operatives and state authorities.
▪ The assistant returned to see the respondent carrying the goods towards the main exit and loading them into a van.
▪ Mr Customer Smith did however acquire a dubious reputation for dealing in prize goods.
▪ She washed clothes and dealt in smuggled electronic goods, rabbit-fur hats, sunflower seeds, pearl necklaces and noodles.
▪ Being a dedicated tough cookie, he has delivered the goods in impressive manner.
▪ The only problem was delivering the goods.
▪ Ultimately, they said, it broke down because it simply could not deliver the goods.
▪ But in the final hour he did deliver the goods, taking impromptu questions from the audience.
▪ For years almost all the research on ability grouping and tracking has demonstrated that it does not deliver the goods as promised.
▪ The delights of a secular society seem so appealing; technology appears to deliver the goods.
▪ The ring leaders, using runners to deliver their goods on the streets, sold about 100 phones each month.
▪ Randhawa admitted obtaining by deception, burglary, handling stolen goods and making a threat to kill Miss Nazir.
▪ In such cases no serious scholar was willing to risk his or her reputation by handling or studying stolen goods.
▪ Randhawa handled the goods worth over £5,000 which were stolen.
▪ Jacqueline MacPherson faced a charge of handling stolen goods.
▪ At Teesside Crown Court yesterday, Francis, 36, admitted handling stolen goods.
▪ They swallowed it and said they were charging me with handling stolen goods.
▪ John Henry, 26, of Bexley Heath, will be sentenced later for handling stolen goods.
▪ The technique allows manufacturers to shut down unofficially imported electronic goods.
▪ Thus they were unable to import consumer goods and meet basic needs of the people.
▪ Overvalued currencies kept the price of imported goods low, crowding out locally produced goods.
▪ She'd never really believed he was importing undeclared goods, or in any way breaking the law.
▪ To stem the flow, he advocates strict trade protections, including high tariffs on imported goods.
▪ Companies putting up factories at Subic can import goods for free and pay only a 5 percent tax on gross income.
▪ The rich world keeps the South wedded to commodity production by putting up tariff barriers to manufactured goods.
▪ In that case the plaintiffs and the defendants were two companies who manufactured similar goods.
▪ Like other Southerners, Atlantans felt shortchanged when Northern capitalists transformed cheap Southern raw materials into manufactured goods.
▪ If one doesn't have the immediate outlets, one seldom bothers to manufacture the goods.
▪ The people who manufacture and sell goods and services must want their custom and must understand its value.
▪ He was challenged by the warehouseman but he assured him that he was going to pay for the goods.
▪ The index measuring the prices manufacturers paid for goods rose to 11. 4 from 4. 5 in December.
▪ They made agreements with their foreign customers to be paid in goods instead of money.
▪ How do we pay for the goods and services which we need?
▪ Government need tax revenue to pay for public goods and to make transfer payments to the poor.
▪ You can use these to pay for goods wherever the Visa - or new Visa Delta - logo is displayed.
▪ When he was challenged by the warehouseman, he assured him that he was going to pay for the goods.
▪ I will pay you in whatever goods you request, at the rate of half a deben of silver a day.
▪ Resources used to produce goods and services for the government can not be used to make goods in the private sector.
▪ First, if there is no competitive market of alternative goods, there is minimal initiative to produce goods of high quality.
▪ The whole place seemed designed to produce, not goods for the outside world, but misery for the inmates.
▪ Such economic nationalists favored import-substitution strategies that reduced the need for foreign currency by producing vital goods domestically.
▪ IIb produces only luxury goods which are consumed solely by the capitalists.
▪ Consequently, rulers encouraged people to produce goods for export and devised high tariffs to discourage imports.
▪ The company needs to know what the investment must achieve to produce goods which can be sold profitably.
▪ If only those firms which produce goods wanted by consumers can operate profitably, only those firms will demand resources.
▪ This will be the position provided the goods perished before any had been delivered to the buyer.
▪ Can the market system provide the capital goods upon which technological advance relies?
▪ He saw it as essentially fulfilling the same role as government, providing collective goods.
▪ Administrators must constantly interpret and apply public policies that provide public goods and services to individuals and groups. 4.
▪ The small firms provide goods and services to a large firm, which is in effect a monopoly buyer.
▪ The state then determines how this surplus value will be used to serve its objectives and to provide goods to certain actors.
▪ Normally we expect to see government providing collective goods.
▪ Charleston and Fairbank arose to provide food and dry goods to the miners and millworkers.
▪ Some of this money will be used to purchase financial assets, and some to purchase goods and services.
▪ To put it another way, who is the other party to the contract by which Z purchased the goods?
▪ It tells us foolish bedtime stories in exchange for our promises to purchase the latest corporate goods and corporate services.
▪ Anyone who after time purchases goods from the defendant therefore runs the risk of having them seized by the sheriff.
▪ Is the recipient likely to be able to purchase the goods?
▪ Under counter-trade a sale of good is contractually linked to an obligation to purchase goods or resultant output from the same country.
▪ Busy tourist shops sell quality leather goods, carpets and strikingly cheap cotton goods.
▪ More than 100 companies sell restroom advertising space, and many mainstream advertisers are selling their goods where graffiti once prevailed.
▪ The dot.economy turned out to be just a more expensive way of selling old-economy goods at knockdown prices.
▪ The profits of a manufacturing company are achieved by selling the goods it makes at a price in excess of its costs.
▪ But areas close to the cities, where peasants could sell their goods, were far from typical.
▪ Site certificates are for companies wanting to sell goods and services over the World Wide Web.
▪ We hope to sell goods by packaging them attractively.
▪ Notice that, as before, in order to avoid double-counting, only spending on final goods and services is included.
▪ These moves goad households and businesses into spending more on goods and services.
▪ They are not being used for spending, much less for spending on newly produced goods and services.
▪ Money we spend on goods and services gets taxed only once, when we earn it.
▪ Nevertheless, the share of national income going to government spending on goods and services is now falling.
▪ However, since the early 1950s government spending for goods and services has hovered around 20 percent of the national output.
▪ In addition, £60 million was spent locally on goods and services for the site.
▪ Through government spending on goods, society tends to reallocate resources from private to public goods consumption.
▪ He went directly to a sporting goods shop, where he purchased a hunting knife.
▪ He must have picked up the definition at one of the sporting goods conventions, where he was now a celebrity.
▪ The manufacturers say they are hoping the helmets will be available in sporting goods stores and department stores within several months.
▪ C., sporting goods store where Bishop bought a pair of tennis shoes on his credit card.
▪ Randhawa handled the goods worth over £5,000 which were stolen.
▪ Insurance companies started hiring him to find stolen goods and investigate false claims.
▪ invites people to anonymously post details of stolen goods.
▪ Sure enough, a guy showed up at Zia on the day of the break-in with a stack of the stolen goods.
▪ She is also alleged to have stolen goods to the value of £330.
▪ Nobody goes down to Zia to confiscate the stolen goods so the owner can redeem them.
▪ Break-in: Thieves broke into a house in Norris Street, Warrington, and stole jewellery and goods worth £2,700.
▪ In such cases no serious scholar was willing to risk his or her reputation by handling or studying stolen goods.
▪ If the seller then supplies goods or services in response to that order, there is a contract on those terms.
▪ They follow and brilliantly exploit technological progress, and supply high-quality goods at low prices.
▪ This part of the enterprise was particularly successful and we are grateful to Len for supplying the goods and our Hon.
▪ If the seller supplies goods or services in response, the supply may be regarded as an acceptance of those terms.
▪ Households supply labour and demand goods; firms supply goods and demand labour.
▪ They keep wanting to supply goods without going through the proper procedures.
▪ Manning said he was told Mr McVeigh had been warned on four occasions not to supply goods to the security forces.
worldly goods/possessions
▪ A great number of emigres arrived daily from the mainland, left homeless and often destitute of all worldly possessions.
▪ But he bought no worldly goods.
▪ He loses all his worldly goods because a law suit is not decided in his favor.
▪ My worldly goods, my total possessions.
▪ Returned that same evening to Brigade Headquarters to collect my rucksack containing all my worldly possessions and, of course, the bagpipes.
▪ They tear our houses down, burn up our worldly possessions, and sometimes even kill us.
▪ We generally promise each other all our worldly goods.
▪ Why, of course you must leave all your worldly goods to him.
▪ The cost of almost all goods and services soared when price controls were removed.
▪ The store sells a wide range of goods.
▪ We import a lot of electrical goods from Japan.
▪ But usually you want the goods, so an exchange of goods is normally considered quite acceptable.
▪ Cost of goods sold represents such items as mat & rials costs, direct factory labor, and factory overhead costs.
▪ The beginning of the year saw the introduction of new legislation governing the manual handling of goods and materials.
▪ This led to the social development of new occupational groups to help in the production and transportation of the agricultural goods.