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a. Of a reasonable large size alt. Of a reasonable large size

Usage examples of "good-sized".

Like those on most antique rolltop desks, they were meant to take large, old-fashioned keys and therefore had good-sized openings.

Passepartout, who had been purchasing several dozen mangoes-- a fruit as large as good-sized apples, of a dark-brown colour outside and a bright red within, and whose white pulp, melting in the mouth, affords gourmands a delicious sensation--was waiting for them on deck.

A good-sized male, weighing around three pounds, swam by him, brushing his leg. Tarantio did not move.

A good-sized colony of about two hundred and fifty thousand can eat two to four tonnes of insects each night.

Mr Higgin was speaking now in a rich, actorly manner, and the sigh with which he followed his words would have carried to the topmost gallery of a good-sized theatre.

Lady Luck was still galloping along at my shoulder because my toe-amputator was dragging me, stretcher and all, into a good-sized room.

The village was good-sized, with a visitors' center, motel, stores, post office and campgrounds, but everything was shut and every window was boarded.

The place was typical of the subnivean hollows that gave the Denali planetary park its name: an irregular cave as big as a good-sized room, melted from the permanent icefield by the heat of a small geothermal spring.

A line of boulders reaching diagonally across the stream answered for a dam, by diverting a portion of the volume of water to a channel at the side, where it moved a clumsily constructed wheel, that turned two small stones, not larger than good-sized grindstones.

There were already half-a-dozen good-sized ships tethered at mast.

In a large cake tin was a fine collection of coloured marbles, all of them as big as a good-sized stone and all of them heavy.

Most of the top covering material on the plain is made up of rocks, ranging in size from pebbles to good-sized boulders.

Sparse-needled digger pine on the higher rocky slopes gave way to good-sized madrone and blue oak, goldcup oak, with Douglas fir and the odd redwood near the trickle of water—.

Here the southern cliff finally lowered a bit, and was cut with deep embayments, and shattered by a couple of good-sized meteor craters.

Their polished walls ran up to vertical peaks that possessed no flat spaces wider than a good-sized coffee table.