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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Good-humored \Good`-hu"mored\, a. Having a cheerful spirit and demeanor; cheerful; good-tempered. See Good-natured. [WordNet sense 2]

2. Disposed to please. [WordNet sense 1]

Syn: amiable, agreeable, good-humored, likable, likeable.


a. happy, cheerful, amiable alt. happy, cheerful, amiable


adj. disposed to please; "an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin"- Hal Hinson [syn: amiable, good-humoured]

Usage examples of "good-humored".

Since the Japs ap-peared illogically unwilling to surrender, the naval bombarders set about annihilating them with an oddly good-humored, ribald ferocity.

Natasha had not time to take off the bodice before the door opened and Countess Bezukhova, dressed in a purple velvet gown with a high collar, came into the room beaming with good-humored amiable smiles.

Willie felt much sorrier for Koster, a good-humored, effete boy brought up by maiden aunts.

His old roommate, wearing a purple base-ball cap, had the same good-humored grin, but his face was much leaner.

He had wavy, sandy hair, and his round face wore a look of good-humored alertness.

He knew that he was still Willie Keith, just the innocent, good-humored Willie whom everybody liked, Willie, who could delight people by sitting at a piano and playing If You Knew What the Gnu Knew.

He sat com-fortably in the witness chair, answering Challee's questions with good-humored alertness.

Lars Dahl smiled back, gesturing a good-humored rejection of her offer before he renewed his conversation with Corish.

Hie usual lazy, good-humored smile was on his lips, but his eyes were vivid and intent as he bent down to kiss her again.

Most people would never realize just how primitive he really was, because he disguised it so well with his lazy, good-humored manner.

But most of all he was intrigued by her expression, which was so open and good-humored she could almost trademark the term "Miss Congeniality.

The Indians came about our camp at night, and were very gay and good-humored with the men.

They were unusually hospitable and good-humored, so that we gave to the place the name of the Friendly village.

And if Belisarius was known for his even and good-humored temperament, the Emperor was not.

Rough-voice, massive fists on his broad hips, displayed that almost good-humored appreciation not infrequently offered by strong and ruthless people to opposition that is at once spirited and hopelessly weak.