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n. (good-bye English)

Usage examples of "good-byes".

Wolfe was standing very close to her, yet he was withdrawing from her with every breath, every instant, and the brush was whispering his good-byes through her hair.

Francine and the children had said their last good-byes in the house, not coming out into the snow, so they were all alone.

With barely time to say good-byes, and no song," Bunny said, then cocked her head at him, smiling winsomely.

They all knew some of these good-byes might be for more than a day or two.

There was a code, a ritual, a sort of a ceremony to it all, that made such good-byes, if not easier, at least far more manageable, more understandable.

But the following day, the third of Yule, feeling the need to get back to their duties, they said their good-byes and bundled well against the cold, Lark in particular, they set out for Blackwood again.

Tipperton, his own cheeks wet, sat astride his pony, his good-byes already said.

So he'd taken Jenny's phone number, thanked his aunt, said his good-byes, and left them to their speculations.

The driver, an old German who the Doctor spoke to in his native language, helped us get the bags aboard, and then we turned to say our good-byes to the house, not knowing just when we’d pass through the little iron gateway to the front yard again.

It was sadness, affection, and respect, of course, what drew us so far to say our last good-byes to the agitated little man with the ever-blasting pipe who’d refused to let the case of the murders on the Charlton road die, and who, in death, had given us the legal leverage we’d needed to openly pursue Libby Hatch in New York.