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good length

a. (context cricket English) Describing a ball so pitched n. (context cricket English) The area on a pitch considered to be the best place to pitch the ball in order to either get the batsman out, or restrict him from scoring; the length at which the ball bounces just too far away for it to be comfortably played either on the front foot or the back foot.

Usage examples of "good length".

So liberal, indeed, was the discipline of our captors, that five days after we were taken I managed to escape alone in a small boat with water and provisions for a good length of time.

She displays a good length of striped stockings, and wears thin slippers, or sandals.

Genni with her bright smile and milky gauze scarves, always ready to help anyone she metprobably going about the market stalls hunting up a good length of dyed cloth for those crinkle-skirts she loved to make.

Then Buliwyf stood and raised his cup of strong drink, and called to the assembled earls and warriors, making a speech of some good length.

He rode across the empty moor as twilight fell, his horse plunging beneath him, a good length and more in front of his nearest rival.

You are light, active, and supple, with a good length of arm, and you seem intelligent.