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gone out

vb. (past participle of go out English)

Usage examples of "gone out".

Martin had locked up and they'd gone out to look at the little place.

All my life I have been kicked and cuffed by such as that, and yet always have I gone out when they commanded, singing, to give up my life if need be to keep them in power.

No sooner had a red light gone out on one machine than another lit up and Paddington spent the first ten minutes rushing between the four machines pouring soap through the holes in the top as fast as he could.

He had gone out late at night with a lantern and pail for water, and had never come back.

Then, so quickly that I had no inkling of it until after it had happened, the horse was gone out from under me.

It was unlikely that Tanith would have gone out for the day so early, and he settled himself to wait for an indefinite period with cheerful optimism in the almost empty lounge.

Only some women and children were present, the men having gone out to learn the cause of the delay.

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.

Her father's business was to announce James's being gone out to put the horses to, preparatory to their now daily drive to Randalls.

That nickname had gone out of vogue when the USSR self-destructed, and an independent Ukraine had made it clear that ethnic Russians were no longer welcome.

When our master's carriage was overturned, before you came here, it was said that if the lamp on the left side had not gone out, John would have seen the great hole that the road-makers had left.