Crossword clues for gonadotrophin
n. Any of a group of protein hormones secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland of vertebrates.
n. hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland and placenta; stimulates the gonads and controls reproductive activity [syn: gonadotropin, gonadotropic hormone, gonadotrophic hormone]
Usage examples of "gonadotrophin".
All the research carried out to date all over the world had arrived at the same inescapable conclusion, namely that an emphatic chemical command to abort was being passed to the chorionic gonadotrophin effectively preventing the corpus luteum from developing.
In general, the gonadotrophin production is stimulated by a low concentration of sex hormones in the blood and inhibited by a high one.
The placenta produces a gonadotrophin of its own that is not quite like those of the pituitary.
From the inside, he is cranked up worse than a teen, a year before the flood of gonadotrophin that might account for it.
One of these gonadotrophins has as a noticeable effect the stimulation of the growth of the follicles of the ovary, preparing them for the production of egg cells.
Otherwise there would be confusion with the third of the pituitary gonadotrophins, which carries on the work of the second, acting to maintain the corpus luteum, once formed, and to stimulate the production of progesterone.
Of the three gonadotrophins of the pituitary, lactogenic hormone is the only one to have been isolated in reasonably pure form.
Paiute tribe as a contraceptive, has since been found to inhibit gonadotrophins in mice.
Each had its specialized function, but they are lumped together (along with substances of similar effect produced by other organs) as gonadotrophins (gon'uh-doh-troh'finz.
The interplay between the estrogens (or androgens) and the various pituitary gonadotrophins is exceedingly complex.
It is called human chorionic gonadotrophin, usually abbreviated HCG.