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vb. (alternative spelling of gold plate English)


v. plate with gold; "goldplate a watch" [syn: goldplate, gold plate]

Usage examples of "gold-plate".

Next to the rack stood a huge, ornately carved etagere, its glass shelves cluttered with silver bowls, cups, and trophies, as well as a number of gold-plated cricket balls.

Buy the gold-plated faucets it you will, but do not accessorize your prose.

Range Rovers from Britain, any drugs you want, they hand-make copies of any kind of gun in the world, gold-plated Purdey shotguns, Kalashnikovs, M16s, pirated Snoop, Doggy Dog CDs, all this next to the most beautiful, timeless, local handicrafts, rugs, lamps.

Perched on a jumpseat facing Hamid-Jones was another servant, a crickety, skull-capped footman who was busy attaching ivory-tipped tubes to the gold-plated spigots on the refreshment console.

Instead of using a cybofax, a paper notebook was balanced on his leg, the tip of his gold-plated Parker biro flicking constantly, producing a minute shorthand.

The man stared at Doug, then his eyes flicked to the gold-plated cermet cover, then back to Doug again.

Which is gold-plated bizarre, because while I'm hands-on-the-controls, the acceleration couch prodding my back and my suit turning into a sauna because I'm all for conserving its resources as long as I have a perfectly functional shuttlecraft providing me with life support, I'm also spinning apart, decohering, as if fingers and toes and eyes and kidneys and guts all suddenly decided that the arrangement that's suited them just fine for the last fifty-odd years simply will not do for another cotton-picking moment.

Entering the room and seeing the angry and gloomy faces of the stockholders, he'd had to choke down a sudden impulse to turn around, draw his gold-plated pen, and order the vice-president in charge of marketing to commit seppuku with it on the spot.

Beside it, a display case showed some trophies, and behind the largest of the shooting cups I saw a dusty, gold-plated microphone on a stand denoting an excellence in broadcasting award.

He was in fatigues, but wearing his general officer's dress pistol belt (A calfskin leather belt and holster, fastened with a gold-plated circular buckle.

He ran his fingers over the gold plating, touched the tanned leather covering the seats, and stared wide-eyed at the gold-plated telephone, with which the car was equipped.

The bathroom glowed and lustered, a jewel box of marble, glass, beveled mirrors, and gold-plated fixtures.

Apart from the furniture and lamps the only visible accessories were photographs (family, dogs), trophies (silver-plated men holding pistols in outstretched hands, gold-plated dogs), a half dozen needlepoints that his mother had produced during the period of her chemotherapy (easy sentiments-"Love is where the home is"), cassettes for the stereo (Willie, Waylon, Dwight, Randy, Garth, Bonnie, k.

Affixed to each is a gold-plated copper phonograph record with a cartridge and stylus and, on the aluminum record jacket, instructions for use.

I put on the gold-plated steel helmet with the diamond nebula on front and examined my image in the mirror.