God-man (; ) refers to the Incarnation of God the Logos as described in orthodox Christian theology and mysticism.
Usage examples of "god-man".
Was the spell for preserving the venom so difficult to bring about, or were the God-Men merely being closefisted with their magic as was their custom?
God-Man moved as surely as if he could count every leg on an ant in the dimmest corner of the chamber where the hunter lay.
One day as I was dragging my long, curling fingernails across the slatelike flagstones, I was thinking of the master remembrancer, Thomas Rane, turning over in my mind the implications of his memory of the god-man, Kelkemesh, and the primal myth.
He added that because of course one did not speak of the god part of the god-man, the Deus Irae, like that.
Since, then, it is necessary that the God-man preserve the completeness of each nature, it is no less necessary that these two natures be united entire in one person, just as a body and a reasonable soul exist together in every human being.