Go-Stop is a Korean card game. Go-Stop is also known as Godori , the name of a winning move in the game, as Matgo when only two players are playing, and as Hwatu , the name of the cards themselves. A deck of Korean hwatu cards usually includes bonus cards. Typically, there are two or three players, although there is a variation where four players can play. The object of this game is to score a minimum predetermined number of points, usually three or seven, and then call a "Go" or a "Stop", where the name of the game derives. When a "Go" is called, the game continues, and the amount of points or money is first increased, and then doubled, tripled, quadrupled and so on. A player calling "Go" risks another playing scoring the minimum and winning all the points themselves. If a "Stop" is called, the game ends and the caller collects their winnings.