Gnosticon, sometimes called the Gnostica Aquarian Convention, was a magical and Neopagan event sponsored by Carl L. Weschcke and Llewellyn Publications from 1971 through 1976, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, one of the first such to be held in the United States.
In 1970 Weschcke opened the Gnostica Bookstore in Minneapolis together with the Gnostica School for Self-Development. The first of several festivals was staged the following year, called the "First American Aquarian Festival of Astrology and the Occult Sciences". The festival attracted many of the best-known Witches, Wiccans, Magicians and Neopagans of the time from all around the world, including Jonn Mumford, Selena Fox and Jim Alan (both, founders of Circle Sanctuary), Isaac Bonewits (founder of Ar nDraiocht Fein), and Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost (founders of the Church and School of Wicca). Witchcraft rituals were conducted, and Weschcke led meditations for peace and the healing of the earth. Later festivals were renamed and became known as 'Gnosticon'.