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gluteus maximus

n. 1 The largest of the muscles of each buttock. 2 (context colloquial humorous English) The buttocks.

gluteus maximus

n. the outermost of the three gluteal muscles

Usage examples of "gluteus maximus".

They rarely gained weight in the thighs or the stomach, only in the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, resulting in what her mother jokingly referred to as the gluteus muchomega.

I would not have recognized hubris if it bit me in the gluteus maximus.

The slug had gone at an angle through the right gluteus maximus, and it had been so undamaged in transit the exit wound was as small as the entrance wound.

You may hypothetically ignore him, pretend to a hypothetical lack of sensation in your gluteus maximus sinister - or is he left-handed?

Very lovely and I was thinking the most romantic thoughts when fierce fire pierced my gluteus maximus, and I shot straight up out of the water, yipping like a dog whose tail has been caught in the door.

He kneaded her cheeks, a bone-deep massage that passed straight through her gluteus maximus and into her core.