Glugea is a genus of microsporidian parasites, predominantly infecting fish.
Species include
- Glugea anomala
- Glugea atherinae
- Glugea capverdensis - a parasite of the fish Myctophum punctatum
- Glugea caulleryi - a parasite of the greater sand eel Hyperoplus lanceolatus (a teleost fish)
- Glugea heraldi - a parasite of the seahorse Hippocampus erectus
- Glugea hertwigi - a parasite of the smelts Osmerus eperlanus and Osmerus mordax
- Glugea merluccii - a parasite of the fish Merluccius hubbsi
- Glugea plecoglossi
- Glugea shiplei - a parasite of fish of the genus Trisopterus
- Glugea stephani - a parasite of the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus (a pleuronectid flatfish)
- Glugea vincentiae - a parasite of the Australian marine teleost fish, Vincentia conspersa
- Glugea weissenbergi
Glugea americanus may be better placed in Spraguea