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n. (plural of glowworm English)

Usage examples of "glowworms".

Instantly, hundreds of the glowworms nearest to him on the cavern wall went out, leaving a large patch of blackness.

At the boom of the falling lump, half the glowworms went out and then slowly returned to their normal brightness.

The glowworms became fewer, so that in the increasing gloom Conan was forced to move warily, probing ahead of him with the stalactite lest he fall into some hole.

The glowworms were fewer here, forcing the Cimmerian to proceed cautiously.

Moreover, its color was not the emerald green of the glowworms but the neutral shades of ordinary daylight.

Her beam playing on the ceiling, showed that the glowworms had turned out their lights.

And out of the slaughterhouse he would charge into the tube and kill every legger he met, devour the jetfish, drag down the glowworms from the ceiling, rip them apart, eat them, eat the roots of the trees.

Along those lines my eyes had adjusted rather nicely over our extended stay in the cave to the meager light that the glowworms provided for us.

She specifically did not have the glowworms leech blood from the bruises, because his body would do that naturally after a number of days.

The spell she selected for repairing it took more time than the glowworms and cost her far more in terms of energy, but really just employed smaller, smarter versions of the glowworms to do the job.

She I'lpecifically did not have the glowworms leech blood from life bruises, because his body would do that naturally after ^ number of days.

The spell she so elected for repairing it took more time than the glowworms l^lind cost her far more in terms of energy, but really just Is.

A giant's head goggles down the passage, its empty sockets eerily lit by the glowworms that dwell within.