n. (plural of glover English)
Usage examples of "glovers".
Get storage heaters, the Glovers had said as she held the door open, letting their heat out.
The pub the Glovers had suggested had a roaring fire in the grate and not many customers.
And those mitts to match, I believe, for they came from the glovers only yesterday.
There, for six wakes straight, she flew with the other glovers back and forth across the dark spaces like elfstate comets.
Behind Prufrax, the other elfstate glovers lined up in the catch tube, all but the special-projects sisters.
As they left the mock chamber, another batch of glovers, even younger and fresher in elfstate, passed them.
The tellman had discussed such possibilities, but none of the glovers had been taught how to defend themselves in specific situations.