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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Gloss \Gloss\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Glossed; p. pr. & vb. n. Glossing.] To give a superficial luster or gloss to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth.

The glossed and gleamy wave.
--J. R. Drake.


n. The addition of a gloss, or explanatory note. vb. (present participle of gloss English)

Usage examples of "glossing".

Ninety percent of me wanted to believe Stephen and Niles, but ten percent felt it was a bit of a semantic trick, word play like Gould’s “nonoverlapping magisteria” of religion and science, glossing over a thorny issue, in this case that the fossil record didn’t show what Darwin predicted it would, with bafflegab—as though giving a fancy name to the problem was the same as solving it.