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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Glorious \Glo"ri*ous\, a. [OF. glorios, glorious, F. glorieux, fr. L. gloriosus. See Glory, n.]

  1. Exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory; noble; praiseworthy; excellent; splendid; illustrious; inspiring admiration; as, glorious deeds.

    These are thy glorious works, Parent of good !

  2. Eager for glory or distinction; haughty; boastful; ostentatious; vainglorious. [Obs.]

    Most miserable Is the desire that's glorious.

  3. Ecstatic; hilarious; elated with drink. [Colloq.]

    kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious, O'er all the ills of life victorious.

    During his office treason was no crime, The sons of Belial had a glorious time.

    Syn: Eniment; noble; excellent; renowned; illustrious; celebrated; magnificent; grand; splendid. -- Glo"ri*ous*ly, adv. -- Glo"ri*ous*ness, n.

    Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously.
    --Ex. xv. 21.

    I speak it not gloriously, nor out of affectation.
    --B. Jonson.


adv. In a glorious manner.

  1. adv. with glory or in a glorious manner; "where others had failed he had gloriously succeeded"

  2. blessedly or wonderfully; "how gloriously happy she had been during those few fleeting moments of time"

Usage examples of "gloriously".

The sun shone gloriously and brightened the hill-girdled valley in which Odate stands into positive beauty, with the narrow river flinging its bright waters over green and red shingle, lighting it up in glints among the conical hills, some richly wooded with coniferae, and others merely covered with scrub, which were tumbled about in picturesque confusion.

MacDonald succeeds brilliantly in building a world that, at least for the satisfying length of time it take to finish Fall on Your Knees, gloriously supersedes all else.

In the morning he watched with unseeing eyes the headland come out a shapeless inkblot against the thin light of the false dawn, pass through all the stages of daybreak to the deep purple of its outlined mass nimbed gloriously with the gold of the rising sun.

They had a dark ebony-coloured look, which did great violence to our Manhattanese notions, but which harmonized gloriously with a bluish sky, the grey walls beneath, and a background of hanging fields.

She watched a bright yellow-breasted meadowlark trill gloriously from an open perch, then take to wing and continue its song in flight A pair of golden-crowned sparrows, warbling their woeful tune of descending pitch, flitted among the blackberry canes at the border of the open field.

This result showed the radical defect of the scheme, and the remedy then suggested was to rally round a champion at the next election, in the person of one of the two men who so gloriously represented Sancerre in Paris circles.

In looking upon one of us, upon one of two lowly, exquisite slaves, he had been looking upon she who had once been the Lady Sabina, of Fortress of Saphronicus, once intended to sit regally at his side, gloriously robed, his free companion.

In fact, in a gloriously mystical way, we are an integral part of this cosmic energy dance and can only really understand it all by mystic superconsciousness, from within.

Colorado raged gloriously below the cliffsides, leaping and frothing in great silted billows and surges, flinging rocks and driftwood with tigerlike abandon.

This valley she held in the title of her own claim for more than a century from the time that her explorers first looked over its brim, held it by valors and sufferings which would have been gloriously recorded if their issue had been to keep by those waters the tongue in which they could be written and sung.

He further reported more than 250 Fighters along with seven Leaders and two Masters died gloriously in the great victory.

It was so warm with the heaters, so gloriously warm, and for one mad moment she wanted to sing along with Radio Two, which was churning out Roy Orbison.

Preceded by trumpet blasts of Internet buzz and other pre- and post-production unofficial publicity, heralded by kazillions of television and print ads, funded with mega-budgets, and cast with top-notch character actors, the Potter films gloriously burst forth on thousands of screens across the nation, accompanied by a deluge of official products and tie-ins.

Where earth last night was desert beholds a kindred born, That to-morrow and to-morrow blossoms all gloriously With many a man and maiden for the kindreds yet to be, And fair the Goth-folk groweth.

Touches the mist-folk, That crowd to his escort, Into translucencies Radiant and ravishing: As with the visible Spirit of Summer Gloriously vaporised, Visioned in gold!