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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1953, see globalization. Related: Globalized; globalizing.


alt. (context transitive English) To make something global in scope. vb. (context transitive English) To make something global in scope.


v. make world-wide in scope or application; "Markets are being increasingly globalized" [syn: globalise]


Globalize is a cross-platform JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR).

Usage examples of "globalize".

From this perspective, then, as capital ever more globalizes its relations of production, all forms of labor tend to be proletarianized.

The source of imperial normativity is born of a new machine, a new economic-industrial-communicative machine-in short, a globalized biopolitical machine.

In other words, the deconstruction of the historia rerum gestarum, of the spectral reign of globalized capitalism, reveals the possibility of alternative social organizations.

Biopower is another name for the real subsumption of society under capital, and both are synonymous with the globalized productive order.

A message can, these days, be amplified by a modern, increasingly globalized media in ways that would make the founders dizzy, and may rely for source material on vivid, fast-firing images rather than sleepy, earthbound reason or analysis.

What puzzled me is why anyone would protest against this happy march into the globalized future.

The largest power seller identified by the governor of California as a price gouger, the coowner of Rio Light, was Reliant, known as Houston Power & Light before it globalized.

As soon as the world's money markets were globalized, however, and could be mapped upon a single Reuters screen, we could at last see what we had long suspectedhow individual transactions trigger major movements of capital from one side of the globe to the other.

You should also note that at this time slavery is more globalized and technologized than ever in history.