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vb. (en-past of: glitch)

Usage examples of "glitched".

If Tolliver had indeed gone glitched, only Lieutenant Bien, Sleak and the drill sergeants were around to stop him.

The coherent magnetic generators were failing, databuses were glitched, the fusion generator was powering down, electron-matrix crystal power reserves were dropping.

At the back of his mind was the awful notion that the electronic warfare capability Landon McCullock warned him about had glitched the order.

If she was possessed the energistic effect the First Admiral spoke of would have glitched them.

The valency generators in their armour suits were glitched, preventing the fabric from stiffening into protective exoskeletons as they should have done.

After having their car processors glitched, then crashing, being shot at by starship X-ray lasers, losing their suspects, and now having to verify whether the embassy cars were occupied by armed ESA operatives, the Tonalan security police were by now understandably a little tense.

Not perfectly, their presence still glitched some of the management processors.

They just had to hope the bitek processors hadn’t been glitched since they loaded them back on the island.

Two of them called me before the energistic effect glitched their neural nanonics.

The big possessed man had been leaving a trail of glitched processors ever since the little sabotage group emerged from the coven headquarters.

A small console with two holographic panes was provided in case anything glitched the AS pilot and he needed manual control.

Environmental support systems were failing, air leaking, power dropping, network glitched, no spacesuit, few tools.

So he just walked behind her, wondering if somehow the Computers had glitched up and he was supposed to have gotten tape to explain all this and help him not make mistakes.

If something went wrong or something glitched, Florian was on the phone very quickly.