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vb. (en-third-person singular of: glisten)

Usage examples of "glistens".

The man's skin glistens as if he has just received grafts-or as if he is newborn.

Hissl inclines his head to the older magician, and the summer light that reflects off the roof of the keep of Lornth and through the window glistens on his bald pate.

Even in the twilight, the snow glistens, unbroken, untouched except for the cleared gray stones of the high road leading to the forests below, and to the east.

The phantom shadows of speeding machines snarl past on the asphalt that glistens like a river in the setting sun.

On which account he scrubs him next day -- after the two of them have maintained a moderate distance from Ermen via Olfen to Eversum -- in the River Stever, until he glistens black: coat and undercoat.