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vb. (present participle of glissade English)

Usage examples of "glissading".

And - most amazingly - even the seeds of the insectivorous pitcher plant - which traps its prey in pools of chemically laced water on leaves sporting a glissading escarpment of downward-pointing hairs and narcotic-laced nectar -even the tiny seeds of this plant trap prey by means of slime and poison, then digesting the surrounding mulch of decaying creatures as they germinate, forming into seedlings and plants.

At least until teenagers looking for a thrill and adults in a serious hurry found that nine times out of ten, one could keep the sledfoils in the groove just by glissading -- that is, by using one or more ice axes in the self-arrest position and keeping the speed low enough to stay in the trough.

His back slammed against the mountain, hard enough to knock the wind from his lungs, and then he was glissading, feet first, out-of-control, skittering down the rocky chute, hurtling down the mountain.