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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Glint \Glint\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Glinted; p. pr. & vb. n. Glinting.] [OE. glenten. Cf. Glance, v. i., Glitter, v. i.] To glance; to peep forth, as a flower from the bud; to glitter.


vb. (en-past of: glint)

Usage examples of "glinted".

He relaxed enough to fall asleep, until the orange eye of the sun glinted warning of day's end.

Sunlight glinted suddenly from one of the Marine honor guard's decorations: he'd taken a deep breath of disgust at something a politician said.

One, no, two silver hairs glinted in her straight, dark-brown hair, but that was the only sign of age.

On either side were bodies in clear fluid -- all but one glinted as if coated with a silicon.

His clothing, which she had once thought dull, glinted in a richness of thread and subtle design very much in keeping with his rank.

The crew was busy in the yards, reefing the last of the square sails used to make port, and more were bustling about the deck which glinted with an almost crystalline sheen.

His silver eyes glinted with the mischief that seemed an essential part of his public self.

His curiously amber eyes glinted with amusement and, Lessa added, conceit.

Ribbons of water glinted at the far end of the curious scar, like shallow interconnected pools.

Every eye glinted at the mound of eggs in the sandy center of the cave.

Sebell was not immedi ately visible, though as Menolly's fire lizards did a wel coming display above the ship's rigging, the westering sun glinted off two golden bodies, Sebell's queen, Kimi, as well as Menolly's Beauty.

The sun glinted off the gold plate, trim, and handles, giving the impression that Rukbat itself was honoring the gallant woman and causing the throng to gasp in awe.

He looked at Anna's lowered head, at the way the sun glinted on the pale, silky streaks, and knew that he had to speak.

The afternoon sunlight glinted on her red hair, turning it into fire, and for a moment Sabin stared at it, his attention caught by that unusual, glowing shade of red.

The bright morning sun glinted on her hair, picking up the gold in it.