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vb. (en-past of: glamour)


Glamoured is an album by American jazz singer Cassandra Wilson. It was released on the Blue Note label in 2003.

Usage examples of "glamoured".

Kaye had glamoured herself to look like Skillywidden, the only person she remembered well from the Unseelie Court that she could guess wouldn't be beside the throne.

At first sight the goods displayed for sale seemed sweeter, the purveyors of those goods fouler, than at any market of the diminutive siofra with their glamoured slugs and withered acorns disguised as meats and cakes.

Once, Sianadh had eaten glamoured victuals at a siofran fair and suffered nothing worse than a bellyache.

If you were glamoured by him, well, you are young and a woman, with small knowl­edge of the world or of men.

That which wrecked my life and Arthur’s, it lies lightly on her, there she sits laughing and singing, and yonder knight with the serpents about his wrists, is glamoured by her.

If you were glamoured by him, well, you are young and a woman, with small knowledge of the world or of men.

That which wrecked my life and Arthur's, it lies lightly on her, there she sits laughing and singing, and yonder knight with the serpents about his wrists, is glamoured by her.

It was a studio portrait, done by the best in the city and glamoured up, though with Bobbi they didn't have to work very hard.