vb. (past participle of give out English)
Usage examples of "given out".
What I entreat of thee, O thou fatal star to me, is that the hand thou demandest of me and wouldst give me, be not given out of complaisance or to deceive me afresh, but that thou confess and declare that without any constraint upon thy will thou givest it to me as to thy lawful husband.
She had run away from Gazal, on foot, her water supply had given out, and she had fainted just as she was discovered by Tilutan.
Things had changed, South of my farm land had been given out to farmers and the forest had been cleared here, and houses built.
At last it was given out that some time next day the ship would certainly sail.
A private man has alwaies the liberty, (because thought is free,) to beleeve, or not beleeve in his heart, those acts that have been given out for Miracles, according as he shall see, what benefit can accrew by mens beleef, to those that pretend, or countenance them, and thereby conjecture, whether they be Miracles, or Lies.
As there is only room for about four hundred ladies, and a thousand and more tickets are given out, you may imagine the scramble.
When the provisions were given out, the old woman would not have moved, but Nadia shared her small portion with her.
He had no horse and little money, and so he had set out afoot that very day, and dragged himself as far as Blagnac, where, however, his strength had given out, and he was forced to halt.
So, although the order was fairly given out in Haley's hearing, and carried to Aunt Chloe by at least half a dozen juvenile messengers, that dignitary only gave certain very gruff snorts, and tosses of her head, and went on with every operation in an unusually leisurely and circumstantial manner.
He had sat, a little way from the long table, and had watched the faces of the men gathered about it as clearly and forcibly the outlines of the new departure were given out.
The bread and cheese they had stolen from Harrenhal had given out six days ago, back in the thick of the woods.
It was given out that I was the nephew of the rich old physician Fonseca, whom he was training to take his place.
Traat-Admiral had already given out that he would keep the entire household on, with no loss in status.
Which sense did they rely on when such conflicting signals were given out?