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give in

vb. 1 to collapse or fall 2 (context idiomatic English) to relent, yield, surrender or admit defeat 3 (context of a pugilist English) to droop the head

give in
  1. v. submit or yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure" [syn: submit, bow, defer, accede]

  2. consent reluctantly [syn: yield, succumb, knuckle under, buckle under]

Give In

Give In is the debut album by American dream pop band On An On, released on Roll Call Records and City Slang on 29 January 2013. The album has been described as "haunting yet beautifully bare".

Usage examples of "give in".

But he made up his mind to oppose his friend's departure by all means in his power, and so pretended to give in, at the same time keeping on the watch.

Even if I wanted to give in to the maddening urge to open her throat and drink, I had no means of doing so!

It was pretty clear that they deeply resented the Empire's intrusion into their vicinity, but their governments had to know that eventually they were going to have to give in to imperial demands for action.

We felt that to give in to the weather in a climate such as ours would be a most disastrous precedent.

Just when it seemed that the brown eyes were going to give in to the blue, a noise farther down the line of milking stations distracted Betsey .

He felt like crying, but, being a tough man, especially with himself, he did not give in.

Overexertion is killing him slowly be-cause he won't give in when he feels tired.

I don't enjoy sharing, but I'd appreciate any help you and your associates are willing to give in this matter.

She would have preferred taking the offensive again, but she knew well that Galladel would not give in to her reasoning.

On board Chase's boat the situation was the most dire, but the first mate refused to give in.

Just suppose that you need a stock of new weapons and have nothing to give in exchange for them.

Overexertion is killing him slowly because he won't give in when he feels tired.