vb. (present participle of git English)
Usage examples of "gitting".
You gitting along to fourteen now, and someday soon some big brawler is goan take after you fer keeps and not fer play.
I need help gitting that money outn the swamp and outn the county, and if you do what I say, we’ll split hit plumb down the middle.
But if you ain’t got it, and they ain’t noway of gitting it, then you just as well go out in the swamp and drown yourself, or go put the lookout end of a 12-gauge in your mouth and tap off the trigger with your big toe.
Without me, you don’t even got the chance Sam Parks’s got of gitting out a here.
Of course, I had to use some of Glaze's dough to pay for it with but I didn't reckon he'd mind, considering all the trouble I was going to gitting him out of jail.
By this time we'd lost so much time I never overtaken Uncle Jabez at all and it was gitting daylight before I come in sight of Cordova.
It was all Bill and Joshua could do to keep from gitting throwed off, and they was seldom more'n one wheel on the ground at a time.
Only Johnny, he got to thinking and when the boys was slow gitting back, he mounts up and heads for town.
He had some trouble in gitting hisself acknowledged as Juke in France, as the Orleans Dienasty and Borebones were fernest him, but he finally conkered.