'Girón ' is the official Cuban newspaper of the provincial committee of the Cuban Communist Party in Matanzas. It is published in Spanish.
Giron or Girón may refer to:
- Giron, France
- Giron, the Sami-language name of Kiruna, Sweden
- Girón, Santander, a town in Colombia
- Playa Girón, location of the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion
- Girón, Azuay, a town and canton in Ecuador
- José Antonio Girón, Falangist politician
- Girón (newspaper), official organ of the Communist Party provincial committee in Matanzas, Cuba
- Hubert Giron, French artist and designer
- Pedro Girón (disambiguation), several people with this name
- Ruddy Girón, baseball player
Usage examples of "giron".
The refugees passed through the village of Wa Gira on their way and a panic had started.
Wa Gira seven years ago, and every day since Miranda had looked upon the Wilderness and never seen anything but rich untouched forest.
A large column of smoke rose from where she figured Wa Gira to be in the landscape.
The shack in Wa Gira was probably destroyed, or at least Miranda hoped so.
Concretando: Fainberg es un muchacho que no está en el ambiente y que piensa que el mundo gira en torno de su baúl cerrado con llave, pero que en un momento de apuro no es capaz de facilitar a un argentino un peso con cuarenta y cinco centavos.
Aramina had been fascinated, and obliquely repelled by Giron, Thella's second-in-command, the dragonless man who had scrutinized her so intently that Aramina had been hard put not to squirm under his cold and empty eyes.
I certainly didn't want to help Thella or," and Aramina shivered with revulsion, "that dragonless man, Giron.
Trembling with fear, Aramina paused, listening now for the sound of voices, for the bass rumble of Giron or the crisp acid alto of Thella.
As Aramina watched the tall young Lord Holder stride down the track to join his men, she began to feel secure for the first time since her first encounter with Thella and Giron.
Giron growled at Aramina as he began to manhandle her across the grove.
Giron threw Aramina from him, a heave that left a hunk of her hair and scalp in Thella's hand and Aramina teetering on the brink of a drop.
Some looked to have been more hurriedly executed than others, but all had been drawn with a clever economy of line capturing pose and character, and Jayge was certain that he would recognize every one of them, although he could name only Thella, Giron, and Readis.
Sufficient folk, those with families particularly, had volunteered for the Smithcrafthall’s various projects: not just the making of more agenothree flame-throwers and the maintenance of existing apparatus, but some scheme—and Giron was skeptical—of the Mastersmith’s to provide better communications between all Holds, Halls, and Weyrs.
Felleck scowled, but he took the pail Giron gave him and began scooping grain into the sack that the dragonless man held open.