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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Girdlestead \Gir"dle*stead\, n. [Girdle + stead place.]

  1. That part of the body where the girdle is worn. [Obs.]

    Sheathed, beneath his girdlestead.

  2. The lap. [R.]

    There fell a flower into her girdlestead.


n. 1 (context obsolete English) That part of the body where the girdle is worn. 2 (context obsolete English) The lap.

Usage examples of "girdlestead".

She had dight her what she could to welcome his return from the hunting, and had set a wreath of meadow-sweet on her red hair, and a garland of eglantine about her girdlestead, and left her feet naked after the pool of the stream, and had turned the bezels of her finger-rings outward, for joy of that meeting.