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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gimlet eye

Gimlet \Gim"let\, n. [Also written and pronounced gimbled] [OF. guimbelet, guibelet, F. gibelet, prob. fr. OD. wimpel, weme, a bore, wemelen to bore, to wimble. See Wimble, n.] A small tool for boring holes. It has a leading screw, a grooved body, and a cross handle.

Gimlet eye, a squint-eye. [Colloq.]

Usage examples of "gimlet eye".

He opened his mouth as though to reply, caught Jamie's gimlet eye, and shut it again, looking embarrassed but undeniably pleased.

He wouldn't know a gimlet unless you poured it into a cocktail glass, yet for all that he now fixed a steely gimlet eye on the one spectacular, incredible, patently obvious cause of it all: Bennie.

He looked up to catch her gimlet eye, as though she had read his mind, and flushed, bending quickly over his notebook.

He fixed me with that gimlet eye, pushed out his lantern jaw, and pitched in.

Bill fastened a gimlet eye upon his brother-in-law and drew a deep breath.

Woolam-having hastily rebagged the flour-came out and loaded five sacks into the wagon, under the gimlet eye of the old man.