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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Gig machine

Gig \Gig\, n. [Cf. Icel. g[imac]gja fiddle, MHG. g[imac]ge, G. geige, Icel. geiga to take a wrong direction, rove at random, and E. jig.]

  1. A top or whirligig; any little thing that is whirled round in play.

    Thou disputest like an infant; go, whip thy gig.

  2. A light carriage, with one pair of wheels, drawn by one horse; a kind of chaise.

  3. (Naut.) A long, light rowboat, generally clinkerbuilt, and designed to be fast; a boat appropriated to the use of the commanding officer; as, the captain's gig.

  4. (Mach.) A rotatory cylinder, covered with wire teeth or teasels, for teaseling woolen cloth.

    Gig machine, Gigging machine, Gig mill, or Napping machine. See Gig, 4.

    Gig saw. See Jig saw.