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giant frog

n. 1 One of a number of species of large frogs. 2 # (taxlink Conraua goliath species), goliath frog 3 # (taxlink Cyclorana australis species), northern snapping frog 4 # (taxlink Limnonectes blythii species), Blyth's river frog

Giant frog

Giant frog or Giant Frog may refer to:

  • Blyth's river frog (Limnonectes blythii), a frog in the Dicroglossidae family found from Myanmar through western Thailand and the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia, Singapore) to Sumatra and Borneo (Indonesia)
  • Cyclorana australis, also known as the northern snapping frog, a burrowing frog in the Hylidae family native to Australia
  • Goliath frog (Conraua goliath), a frog in the Conrauidae family, the world's largest frog, native to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea
  • Giant frog (Dungeons & Dragons), a creature in the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game

Usage examples of "giant frog".

We were reacting to soundless noise from the croakings of a giant frog.

Just as Shal freed her staff, another giant frog came leaping toward her.

He might have shot them, wonder what a hot dog costs, if I drank a gallon of xioc I might not sleep for a week, blasting through the sky in the belly of a giant frog.

Niall caught a glimpse of a green, scaly back, and of long legs like the legs of a giant frog.

Something the color of an olive, that had the head of a giant frog, lumbered forth and stood upright on webbed feet.

The creature resembled nothing so much as a great giant frog, its legs incredibly long when stretched out for walking, a light and smooth greenish-brown texture from the lower jaw down to the crotch, the same rough spotted green elsewhere.

What if he were to command them to make a causeway to the giant frog?

A large, bulbous green head broke the surface, a hideous visage that resembled a giant frog.

We weren't going to get anywhere with him moving like a giant frog.