Ghostwood (2006) is a supernatural thriller film directed by Justin O'Brien and produced by Ned Dowd. Executive Producers were Mairead Killian, Tom Higgins, John Slazenger and Noel Lourdes.
Ghostwood are an Alternative- Indie band formed in Sydney, Australia in 2006. They quickly established themselves on the Sydney indie scene, and signed to Modular Recordings for 1 EP in late 2006.
The Band used to be called "The Ghosts", but changed their name to Ghostwood "because 7 million other bands already have the name 'Ghosts'.". They played their last show under the former name with Lost Valentinos at the Sydney Club The Annandale on 18 May 2007.
Ghostwood's first release is their eponymous EP, with tracks Red Version, Blue Version, Ghost, Run and Pencils. The single Red Version was iTunes single of the week in late August 2007. Some say that all the songs on the EP are about Pokémon, as emphasised by the titles, all of which except Pencils reference the video game series. Gabby (Vocalist and songwriter for the band) has stated in an interview that the song Red Version is about the Pokémon Trading Card Game, but Blue Version is not.
Throughout 2011 Ghostwood have had high rotation Radio play on Australia's triple j with new songs " Sunset Mirage" & " Cutlass", the first of new tracks to be released along with the 3rd & EP titled track " I am Overcast" in June 2011.