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n. 1 The practice of hiding prisoners from inspection from (possibly hostile) outside inspectors. 2 The effect that interference caused by a multipath reception problem has on a television screen. 3 ghost imaging. 4 A form of identity theft in which someone steals the identity, and sometimes even the role within society, of a specific dead person (the "ghost") who is not widely known to be deceased. 5 (context computing English) A problem with a keyboard where certain simultaneous keypresses are not recognised.


Ghosting may refer to:

  • Ghosting (identity theft), a form of identity theft, whereby a person takes on the identity of a deceased person
  • Ghosting (incarceration), repeatedly moving a prisoner through different institutions to avoid scrutiny, or because the prisoner has become unmanageable
  • Ghosting (television), a double image when receiving a distorted or multipath input signal in analog television broadcasting
  • Ghosting, an offset printing defect produced in one of two ways, in which faint replicas of printed images appear in undesirable places
  • Ghosting (strategy), a way of playing a video game that emphasizes stealthiness
  • Ghosting, a form of cheating in online games
  • Ghosting (relationships), ending of a romantic relationship by cutting off all contact and ignoring the former partner’s attempts to reach out
  • "Ghosting", a song by the band Mother Mother from their album O My Heart
  • Ghosting (employer), the act in which a person interviews for a job and is led on that they may have a chance in getting the job, then no acknowledgement of the position being filled is ever conveyed to the interviewee
  • Key ghosting, a phenomenon where multiple simultaneous key presses on a computer keyboard can result in incorrectly registered keystrokes
  • Ghostwriting, the practice of producing written material that is credited to another person
  • Comment ghosting, a form of Stealth banning on internet forums
  • Ghosting (photography) is an effect resulting in semi-transparent objects in a stitched panorama image. In most cases these are persons who or vehicles which were moving while the different single photos were being taken. The methods for removing these artefacts from a panorama image are called "deghosting".
Ghosting (identity theft)

Ghosting is a form of identity theft in which someone steals the identity, and sometimes even the role within society, of a specific dead person (the "ghost") who is not widely known to be deceased. Usually, the person who steals this identity (the "ghoster") is roughly the same age that the ghost would have been if still alive, so that any documents citing the birthdate of the ghost will not be conspicuously incorrect if appropriated by the thief now claiming to be that person.

The use of counterfeit identification falsely documenting a completely fictional identity is not ghosting, as false identification cannot be used to obtain social services or interact with government agencies or law enforcement officials. The purpose of ghosting is to enable the ghoster to claim for his own use an existing identity that is already listed in government records -- an identity that is dormant because its original possessor is dead.

Ghosting is based on the premise (now less justified than in previous times) that separate government agencies do not share a total exchange of information. Therefore, a ghoster can obtain a passport or Social Security benefits in the name of a dead person because the agencies in charge of those services do not routinely cross-check an applicant's history to determine if a death certificate has been issued in that person's name.

Ghosting (television)

In television, a ghost is a replica of the transmitted image, offset in position, that is super-imposed on top of the main image.

Ghosting (relationships)

Ghosting refers to the act of breaking off a relationship (often used in the context of intimate relationships) by ceasing all communication and contact with the former partner without any apparent warning or justification, as well as avoiding and/or ignoring and refusing to respond in any way to the former partner’s attempts to reach out or communicate.

Ghosting (employer)

Ghosting is the act in which a person interviews for a job and is led on that they may have a chance in getting the job, then no acknowledgement of the position being filled is ever conveyed to the interviewee.

Usage examples of "ghosting".

Raed had been in danger from the hail of burning shrapnel during the last ghosting, and his team seemed to expect him to rescue himself .

He saw the method underlying their rehab program, ghosting him back to see things that should help him know what to do, like those two firemen taking turns in the crow's nest of their pumper truck, falling out exhausted, then climbing back in again to help douse the raging fires.

I was ghosting southward along the edge of the woods about an hour later when a group of armed horsemen came pounding along that twisting road.

It was not very large and seemed to be little more than a dark shadow ghosting silently with the current.

A large, silver-gray wolf was ghosting along just at the edge of the trees, his pace exactly matching theirs.

He came drifting back, ghosting among the trees on almost motionless wings.

And after the call Zane would have started moving, ghosting around, searching out Hauer and his men.

The guy was pretty good at ghosting around, the woman less accomplished but still competent.

For in the dead of the next night - and after that poor lass's husband had buried her in the woods - who should come ghosting into camp but the girl herself!

She came smiling, eager, but ghosting in the awful flowing fashion of a vampire.

Except that then she would be changed, my Marilena no more but a wispy thrall to come ghosting whenever I called - a vampire.

We were ghosting across a flat sea with a new moon and a few splendid stars.

It was a pleasure to thrash along to the westward, under every stitch of canvas, leaving Portland Point abeam, rounding Negril Point at sunset, catching some fortunate puffs of the sea breeze which enabled them to cheat the trade wind, ghosting along in the tropical darkness with the lead at work in the chains, and anchoring with the dawn among the shoals of Montego Bay, the green mountains of Jamaica all fiery with the rising sun.